Alone in the Arctic Skies

Saturday May 4 at 12:30pm - Connection Program
(Comox/Langley, 10minutes)

In 1972, a lone CF-104 "Starfighter" pilot over the Canadian Arctic flies into a fierce storm, and is left with only a small fuel supply with no way to navigate home.

Noah Penner

Noah Penner is a screenwriter, director, and producer from the Comox Valley.  His work focuses on stories from the past - about nostalgia for what was and what never was.  He loves traveling abroad and hiking at home.


Director Noah Penner
Screenwriter Noah Penner

Producers Briana Nelson
Noah Penner
Cinematographer Anton Seaman
Editors Noah Penner
Production Designer Alexander Nolan
VFX Calvin Romeyn
Principle Cast     Evan Gillmore
Anthony Lively