Groove, Slam, work It Back

Friday May 3 at 7:30pm (Canada , 115 minutes)

Groove, Slam, Work It Back gives a glimpse into Sayla and Ishi's grief, as they meet at Sayla's mother's for the new year. When talking about Sayla's late sister, simultaneously Ishi's late girlfriend, they clash: as Sayla withholds information, Ishi prods to know more about the sisters' mystery tradition.

Amélia Simard

Amélia is a French-Canadian interdisciplinary artist based in so-called Vancouver. They have a BFA in Film at Simon Fraser University where they have written and directed short narratives and documentary films. In their practice, they explore themes of queerness and language through metaphors based in memory, nostalgia and the fantastical.


Director Amélia Simard
Screenwriter Amélia Simard

Producers Amélia Simard
Cinematographer Alfredo Arroyo Barra
Principle Cast     Paiton Pires
Nazem Elias